Tuesday 27 November 2007

brussel sprouts...with pasta?

"you've gotta be kidding" was my husband's reply.
Well, I have got them and they need to be earten, but we ate all the potatoes. Now i realise that this makes little or no sense. As i have said before my veg is delivered. But I don't get a say in what is delivered. This means that each week I have a surprise, brussel sprouts. I love them, however with pasta is apparently a bit taboo!
So I need to put on my thinking cap as what to do for dinner.
i have already done my weekly baking. Cookies...mmmm.... very good! Cake, mmmm... pretty good. Now waiting for the muffins, which usually turn out rather nice. A good treat to have when I get my hair done at a friends tomorrow. Good to note, when invited for tea/coffee or hair cut take sugary treats. Us mums love all the treats we can get. I also enjoy seeing how many different things i can bake at once.
So what else have i been doing. Toddler groups are going well. I suppose.#1 decided to pop another child's balloon today. She has a book called Mei Ling's hiccups, the children pop balloons at the end! so she saw no wrong it what she was doing. The poor child, who's ballon it was, was terrified! ( I must cut her finger nails!).
#2 has learnt that she can control her head, this equates to feeding for 10 seconds pulling away and watching the milk spray. Then realising it is her loss, shouting at my boob and re-attaching herself! #1 was such a good baby, what is #2 up to?
I suppose I should talk knitting. I have set my self the challenge to get this papoose finished by the end of the week, which means #2 can get the push chair changed around too. But it is creeping closer to the end of the week and I am not so sure i will manage it.
Keep you posted on the events down here.

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