Saturday 15 March 2008

New things

Ahhh, how nice it is to feel that you are making changes for the better. A new header for my blog, I must thank how about orange for the link.

Sunday 2 March 2008

Mothering Sunday

The day to remember our mothers, and that many of us are mothers too.
I hope you have all been given the special treatment that you deserve, breakfast in bed, the paper delivered and a moment to yourself.
Daffadils and special cards with love and kisses.
Have a wonderful day.

Friday 22 February 2008

February blues

Oh my gosh I am soo full of cold it hurts!! My first week off work to spend with my gorgeous girls and I am sick. I have struggled through most of the week and now it is Friday and over.
Why is it that once you have stopped working your body gives up too. My plans to take the girls out and about have gone out of the window. All we have amnaged to do is go to the local DIY store, the cornor shop and visit a new butchers. Any ventures beyond my local shops is just a nightmare, as i need to be able to sit down. Sorry this appears to be a major rant and I haven't been on line for over a month. I am planning to turn over a new leaf, blog at work!! This does depend on whether I can get in a little bit earlier, prepare for lessons and not get caught up in the politics of the staff room!!
Being ill does have it's benefit however. I have got further on in my knitting projects and feel that they are getting on. I have however lost track of the dates and have 2 birthdays and one anniversary to organise gifts and cards for today!!(maybe that is why I have managed to find a moment to blog!!) So I am searching for ideas that can be made up and posted quick. It may be time to give into the purchase of a colour print cartridge too.

Sunday 13 January 2008

What are Sundays for?

As i have sat down at the computer with coffee in hand I look out of the window. There is my wonderful husband and #1 sans nappy, they are fitting wiper blades to the car. It is such a joy watching the two together. Father and daughter trying to complete a task. The support #1 gives her daddy, the look of wonder as he struggles with the wiper blades. I realise how lucky I am. A rosey picture I am creating.
I look out again. The two cats, I so love, are jumping into another garden (trying to escape the clutter of home!) #1 is really just trying to distract her daddy enough so that she doesn't have to use the potty. The coffee I am drinking has been heated in the microwave and taste worse than it did fresh- an emergency buy from the corner shop, yuck!
so what are Sundays for? Watching, resting, relaxing and realise you can do what you like. Well, as long as the house is resonably tidy, you have enough yarn, thread, fabric, glue...(delete as appropriate).
This Sunday I think we will enough the woods, get a little knitting done and prepare for some crafting ideas for tomorrow. Snow flake and glitter come to mind!

Monday 7 January 2008


A lampshade that I am using to make my work space feel pretty, especially with the dark , cold, weather.
i apologise for my lack of commitment to this blog. i have no real excuse apart from christmas, new year and returning to work.
So the same as everyone else.
Christmas was good. I completed all the presents that I wanted too. i still need to build up my fabric collection, then the challenge of putting together ideas may help. But i had fun trying out small patterns that i had found on Wee Wonderfuls. I made the pointy kitty (which I must make one for each of my girls) and two little bunnies.

I was proud that I had even managed to complete a knitted doll with clothes. however she has been given lipstick already, using new christmas pens. I favourite gift from uncle, not so cool for mummy and daddy.

Now it is the new year, I have returned to work after a 6 month maternity leave and I still need to complete the papoose. At the rate i am going #2 will be too big for it and I will have to have #3 just so that the thing will be used.

Christmas has been great fun for little projects to do with #1, so now we have to start preparing ideas for spring. I think there will be a few gardening projects. This would make anyone who knows my home a bit of a laugh. I will explain. i live in a terraced house that has a yard instead of a garden. To make it better there are paving slabs across it all with borders of about 1/2 a foot on one side and a foot on the other. I am going to call spring creative planting and thinking!!