Sunday 13 January 2008

What are Sundays for?

As i have sat down at the computer with coffee in hand I look out of the window. There is my wonderful husband and #1 sans nappy, they are fitting wiper blades to the car. It is such a joy watching the two together. Father and daughter trying to complete a task. The support #1 gives her daddy, the look of wonder as he struggles with the wiper blades. I realise how lucky I am. A rosey picture I am creating.
I look out again. The two cats, I so love, are jumping into another garden (trying to escape the clutter of home!) #1 is really just trying to distract her daddy enough so that she doesn't have to use the potty. The coffee I am drinking has been heated in the microwave and taste worse than it did fresh- an emergency buy from the corner shop, yuck!
so what are Sundays for? Watching, resting, relaxing and realise you can do what you like. Well, as long as the house is resonably tidy, you have enough yarn, thread, fabric, glue...(delete as appropriate).
This Sunday I think we will enough the woods, get a little knitting done and prepare for some crafting ideas for tomorrow. Snow flake and glitter come to mind!

1 comment:

Jadielady said...

Aww, that reminds me of when I used to help my dad with all sorts of tasks. I was very much a daddy's girl when I was younger. Now that I'm an adult, I mostly knit with my mom when I visit.