Tuesday 7 April 2015

Easter Sunshine

Since my last profound statement....I will bog more. of course I have not managed it at all. But that is Ok, you should do as many things as you love to do... my main love is knitting.
When work gets too busy I am more likely going to give up on other things rather than knitting.
Already the girls and I have had a week away from school, which is about enough time to recover from the job and all the learning. Now we can get on with the holidays.
A brief glimpse of sunshine, a thankful ray of sun through the window and with this the promise of a brighter week.
My eldest is learning to cycle on the roads this week; a course called Bikeability. I'm sure I remember it being called cycling proficiency when I was a kid. We had the bike out last week in the wind and the rain in preparation, so hopefully she will learn lots and become a better cyclist. This is especially important as we live in a very busy city with lots of cars about.
So whiles she is out on her bike, youngest and I will get into my classroom and tidy up the mess I left behind. But enough of that...
I will try to be back and give a knitting up date. I'll leave you with a picture of my socks with yarn  from BritishBeaKnits and the pattern is yarn harlot's basic sock from knitting rules.

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