Sunday 30 January 2011

WiPs are no longer

Have you ever just got up and needed to finish a project. I did, this morning.
Full of cold, but with an empty Sunday ( class had 11+ yesterday, no major marking today) I felt I needed to finish something. First the shawl I had started but couldn't find the energy finished- all done and ends tied in too! - now it has been passed to it's new owner and she is pretty pleased.
Then the christmas fingerless mittens that I had lost momentous with as I couldn't remember what I was trying to do. finished! and on my hands whilst typing. I gave up trying to create and just went for finishing.

There are still other projects on needles and I still really want to work on some new interesting socks and the fair-aisle knitting plan I have ( still hiding in the back of my mind). Next I have to finish a red dress and a quilt.

The joy of the day is the sunshine- the sun has come out it is still freezing outside, but the sun is giving me the energy to carry on. A woolen hat in my 'house' colours, which needs work to be ready for the hockey tournament at the end of term. Need to finish it so I can break it in for practices.

Still looking at cameras- looking at Fuji film S1600, and waiting for valentines day to arrive with a special gift. maybe...


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